How did I come up with all the items in part 2 of the Holy Book?

How do I come up with all my poetry?

Well I virtually never seek these ideas out, they always find me.

You might even call it divine inspiration.

An idea will spontaneously pop into my head, such as when I’m walking down the street, lying in bed morning and night, waiting at a bus stop or train station, or just sitting there thinking.

Once an idea pops into my head, I spend about ten minutes ‘crafting’ the wording.

Once the piece is mostly written within my brain, I immediately, and I mean immediately, get a pen and paper or the notes app on my phone and write it down.

If the piece of writing is not completely written in my brain before I begin, then most of it will be, and I’ll finish it off then and there.

I’ve even had a bunch of times where I was out and about, and did not have anything to write on. So I would go into shops and ask for pen and paper and a few occasions I’ve even knocked on random people’s doors asking for them.

My creativity is incredible, and I have enough book ideas written down and enough talent, to keep me busy for decades.

I’m a bit puzzled by this term ‘writer’s block’ and I know it’s something I’ll never experience. I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce a new term called ‘Claridge block.’ Claridge block is the happy opposite of writer’s block. Claridge block is defined as creativity’s ultimate state, where the brain becomes almost full, and you enter the mundane world of walking up and down paths you’re already familiar with.

Even though I have enough ideas and creativity to keep me writing for years, do I want to?

Well for various reasons, no.

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